Get your 2024 AMA District 16 cards
Dec 30th, 2018 by khub
Time to get registered for District 16. The link below makes it very easy. If you were registered last year and already have a sign in it is quick, otherwise you need to create an account. It does ask for a rider number which we do not use in Trials, so just pick one from the dropdown list. Looking forward to the 2024 season!
Click the link below to access the event.
I thank you all in advance for your cooperation with this.
When you join or renew your National AMA membership this year, consider doing it online by going to and entering WIOBTR, into the Promo Field on the last page.
Participants can also call the AMA at (800) AMA-JOIN to join by phone. Just be sure they know to mention the WIOBTR affiliate code.
Signing up online means less time waiting in line on event day. It not only saves the AMA a lot of paperwork, the AMA is giving WOTA $5 for every new and $2.50 for every renewing member who uses the above link and signs up online. We could use the support to make our AMA events even better.